Vestry is the primary decision making body of the parish structure. St. Barnabas' annual vestry meeting, held each February, serves as the annual general meeting for the parish. At these meetings, vestry has the opportunity to receive reports on the various ministries of the church, approve the budget, and elect members to serve in various roles. On occasion, an additional "special vestry" meeting may be held in order to consider a major parish decision. All active members of St. Barnabas parish are considered to be members of vestry and are encouraged to participate in the decision making process.
Parish Council
St. Barnabas' parish council meets monthly through the year to ensure the smooth running of the parish and to maintain accountability for finances and ministry commitments. Several ministry groups report to council and take guidance from this body. Parish council membership is determined at the annual vestry meeting.
Functioning as a small parish executive committee, St. Barnabas' corporation guides the direction of parish council and responds to day-to-day operational issues that may arise. Members of corporation are the priest and two wardens (one elected, one appointed). St. Barnabas also includes the parish treasurer and an elected deputy warden in the work of corporation.